Payna – Clean, Minimal Shopify Theme

Payna-Clean Minimal Shopify Theme is a beautiful Shopify Theme that can create various e-Commerce sites. The most vital thing in the e-Commerce industry is to have a good website, and the Payna Minimal Shopify theme has all the tools for you.

You can customize it as per your needs and sell Fashion Products, watches, Furniture, Flower, Wedding, Cosmetics, Hats, Sunglass Accessories, or any other retail product through this fantastic design.

Payna-Clean Minimal Shopify Theme
Payna-Clean Minimal Shopify Theme

In addition to that, Payna Clean Minimal Shopify Theme also offers 19+ Home Versions, 16+ Revolution Sliders, 90+ Drag and Drops Sections RTL Version, 14+ Header Variations and 2 Footer Variations, and tons of user-friendly features. Minimal Shopify theme built with Bootstrap 4, CSS3, HTML 5, and W3C validated markup. This theme comes with Cross-Browser compatibility too.

Simplifying your tasks while connecting customers becomes effortless with this theme as it includes tons of features like Discuss Comment section, Facebook Comment, Product Share Option, Ajax Shop Cart, Wishlist, and Many More.

The detailed documentation and Google Analytics will assist you a lot to simplify your tasks. In addition, the minimal Shopify theme is packed with tons of other amenities.

Features list of Payna-Clean Minimal Shopify Theme :

  • 19+ Home Version
  • 16+ Revolution slider Style
  • 90+ Drag & Drop Section
  • 14+ Header Variation
  • 2+ Footer Variation
  • Dropdown Menu
  • MegaMenu
  • MegaMenu With Image
  • Slick slider
  • Featured Product
  • Tab With Product
  • Menu With Collection
  • Collection Product
  • Product With Banner
  • Istope Filtering Product
  • 7+ Banner
  • 2+ Category Banner
  • 2+ Collection Banner
  • Coutdown Timer Banner
  • 6+ Fluid Banner
  • 2+ Populer Banner
  • 4+ Brand Logo
  • 4+ About Text Area
  • Team
  • 3+ Video
  • 3+ Services
  • 5+ Testimonial
  • 4+ Latest Blog
  • 3+ Instafeed Style
  • Ajax Popup Cart
  • Ajax Sipnner Cart
  • Redirect Add To Cart
  • Ajax Wishlist
  • QuickView
  • Newsletter Popup
  • Product Share
  • RTL Version
  • Notification Bar
  • Multiple Currency
  • Breadcrumb banner
  • Shop Grid 3,4,6,12 Column View
  • Shop List View
  • Collection Sorting
  • Facebook comment
  • Disqus Comment
  • Product review
  • Custom Tab
  • Related product
  • Quick Install
  • Shopify Builder
  • Theme Colors
  • Box Style
  • Unlimited Colors
  • DropShipping
  • Affiliate
  • Contact map (google map API)
  • Shortcodes
  • 15+ Preloader
  • Google Analytics
  • Well Commented HTML & CSS files
  • Neat, clean and simple design
  • Creative and Modern Flat Design
  • Fully Responsive
  • Cross Browser Optimization
  • Well Documentation

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